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江苏教师招聘:初中英语《Do you have a soccer ball?》教案

http://jiangsu.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 13:32 江苏教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Teaching objectives:

1. Students can speak and read the new words such as volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, ping-pong bat and so on.

2. Students can use the sentence pattern “Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t” to talk about ownership.

3. Students will be able to talk about ownership and improve their listening and speaking ability by completing these class activities.

4. Students can cultivate the interests in sports.

Teaching key point:

Students can use the words volleyball, soccer ball, basketball, ping-pong bat and so on and the sentence pattern to talk about ownership.

Teaching difficult point:

Students can use the sentence pattern to communicate with others in the real life.

Teaching procedures

I. Lead-in

Sing an English song about Olympics named One World One Dream. Then ask students a question“Who can tell me the background of the song?”.


II. Presentation

1. Draw some pictures about basketball, volleyball, ping-pong bat and soccer ball to teach the new words.

2. Ask students to match the words with the things in the picture.

3. Students listen to the tape and circle the words they hear.

4. Students listen to the recording again and repeat. Then the teacher teaches the sentence pattern by asking “Do you have a basketball?” and guides students to answer “Yes, I do. No, I don’t.”


III. Practice

Activity 1: Guessing game

The teacher does the action and students guess what teachers are doing in English. In this way, students can practice the new words.

Activity2: Role play

Practice the conversations in pairs. Then role play the conversation with their partner. One asks “Do you have a…?”, then the other answers “Yes, I do.” or “No, I don’t. ”


IV. Consolidation

Make a survey

Four students work as a group to do a survey about the ownership of the members in their groups. Each group will choose a student as the journalist who will ask: Do you have a basketball? And the other students will answer: Yes, I do or no, I don’t. Then invite some groups to make a report.


V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learned in this lesson, including words and sentence structures, and the teacher gives supplement if necessary, and reminds them that the importance of exercise.


VI. Homework

Review the new words and sentence they have learned today, and ask their parents what kind of balls they have.









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